Friday, July 20, 2012

Minutes of May 7, 2012

The monthly meeting of the Haverhill Library Association was held at the library and called to order by Board of Trustees Chairman John Landrigan at 7:35 P.M. on May 7, 2012. Present were Trustees John Landrigan, Vesta Smith, Susan Lewis, Mike Marshall, Ken Frank and Jane Darby.

Minutes of the March 5th and April 2nd monthly meeting were approved.

SB 214 Report: Amended version passed the house. There was no word when the senate will take up the legislation. John will keep looking at the state website to see the progress. The lawyer fee for the consultation was $100.

Records Management Policy: The policy reflects what is currently being done. Policy was approved by the board.

Building: Weather Check is the company doing the roof. They will be beginning work soon. There is a possibility of using slate from another job they are doing. That would reduce our cost. The brick work needs to be finished on the other end of the library building. We will be calling him to see when that work will be finished. The mess in the back of the library will be cleaned up. Ken has offered to scrape the weeds off and spread some seed in back of the building. The location of the property line was discussed and it was decided to ask Jim Alexander if he knew exactly where it is located. The condition of the front walkway was discussed. Ken said it would take a day to tear p the brick and lay down a new walkway that is flat and safer for the patrons. There will be an email asking for volunteer help when he is ready to do the work.

Financial Report: The town income came in. There were 2 unbudgeted items that were paid. One was the update to the Intuit Software and Lawyer fees.

Librarian Report: A young man has inquired about the job. It was decided to award him the mowing job as the other person who mowed last year has not asked about it. Charter has offered to carry both phone and internet. We will compare prices and service to see if it is worth it. $150 has been donated to purchase a table for the children’s side of the library. Nanci and Anne are researching to find a table that would be suitable for our unique space. The rest of the cost would need to be raised through fundraising. Volunteer efforts were noted. Vesta will send a Thank-You note to Carolyn Danielson for weeding the flower beds.

Fundraising/ Programming: Dave Major gave a 40% discount for books purchased at the Jane Cleland author tea. There will be an all day writing workshop program this summer.

Annual Appeal Mailing: John will forward the list. Look at list to find people who should be on list actually are. We send this out soon.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 P.M. The next regular meeting will be held at the library at 7:30 P.M. on June 4, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Lewis