Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Minutes of August 27, 2012

The meeting was called to order by president John Landrigan at 7:35 PM. Present were Landrigan, Mike Marshall, and Vesta Smith, trustees. The minutes of the August 6 meeting were reviewed but not approved, lacking a quorum.

John noted that the brickwork on the west façade is now underway, and that Ken still intends to repair the front walk, but has not yet set a date.

Financial Report 
John reviewed the financial report, noting that it does not reflect the August salaries for the librarians due to our early meeting date. He also noted the contributions received so far in response to the annual appeal.

Book Sale: the book sale is scheduled for Saturday, September 22. The trustees will visit the library as they have time available before the sale to work on sorting the books. We will again seek to borrow the Ed and Anne’s tent. Mike will check with the guy who took our left over books last year and see if he will do so again this year. Nanci has arranged to have the Currier brothers help move books on the day of the sale.

NHLTA: John mentioned the open discussion scheduled by the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association, which will be hosted by the library in Warren. He plans to attend.

Writing Workshop: John reviewed his revised plan to offer three half-day fiction writing workshops in the fall.

New Business 
Tasco Alarm System: Mike reported his experience with the alarm system that brought out an emergency response team. John will consult Ed Ballam about the alarm. Banned Books Week: John noted as an FYI that Banned Books Week is coming up at the end of September. This is an annual program organized by the American Library Association.

The next meeting will be held Monday, October 1.

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