The monthly meeting of the Haverhill Library Board was called to order by chairman John Landrigan on January 3, 2011, at 7:30PM. Present were John Landrigan, Vesta Smith, Mike Marshall, Barbara May, and librarian Anne Ballam.
We did not have a quorum so no votes could be passed.
We discussed the need for a second bid for work that needs to be done on the building in order to write a grant and the ethics involved in this. John will draft a proposal for the February meeting and we will discuss it at that time.
We had no library report.
John reported that our finances are in good shape.
There is a budget meeting on Wed. evening at the town hall which John will attend and anyone else who is so inclined is welcome. John will get a letter to the chairman asking for a raise in our yearly donation from the town.
Fundraising: Ted Schiffman cannot commit to cooking for our chicken supper this year. After some discussion it was decided that we will be able to do this on our own. We will have two settings of approximately 1 1/4 hours each at 5:30 and 7PM. We will also have a book sale and a basket raffle. The basket needs more items. The drawing will be at the end of the evening. Menu: Chicken and bisquits, cole slaw, brownie sundaes, coffee and tea. This will be discussed more at our next regular meeting.
A wish list for various items (ie. Keurig machine, refrigerator, etc.) will be sent with our annual appeal letter.
The book discussion series will be entitled American Classics. John will get a letter out to the public.
Mike will ask Cathy Chase if Adam is interested in shoveling snow from the walk.
A patron survey was discussed and it was felt that we don't get many replies. This will be tabled for another time.
Next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 6:30PM.
Our next regular board meeting will be on Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7:30PM.
Barbara May, Secretary pro tem