The monthly meeting of the Haverhill Library Board was called to order by chairman John Landrigan at 7:30 PM on November 1, 2010. Present were trustees John Landrigan, Kathy Schiffman, Kerri Harrington, Ken Frank, Jane Darby, Mike Marshall and librarian Nanci Myers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
In building news, Ken Frank talked to Russ Wilcox to look at the eaves of the building and to leave a quote for the masonry work. Doug Hayward will be contacted about the slate roof repair.
The refinished floors are finished and look beautiful. A thank you note will be sent to Michael Welch.
Financially, we are in good standing at the moment and potentially throughout the new year.
In programming, the book club is in full swing. The next discussion is slated for November 8th.
The writers' group is still meeting at the library regularly.
Next, the proposed budget for 2011 was looked at. It looks like it will be a better year than the last in terms of finances.
We would like to ask for more money from the town for next year. We will propose that our budget be restored to be equitable to that of North Haverhill Library.
From the precinct, we agreed to ask for $1500, instead of $1000.
We discussed giving the librarians a pay raise. All were in a agreement for an increase. John was going to crunch the numbers and send out the information for a review and vote later this week.
John wondered if we should do a survey of our patrons. It was decided to put this aside to discuss again next month.
In the Librarians' Report, there was a Halloween party with kids the previous Saturday. About 15 children were in attendance, along with their parents.
Nanci suggested we purchase a Keurig machine for the library. We hope to do this in the near future.
Inger Swingforth would like to hang her art and photography in the library in the coming months. All thought this would be a fine idea.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM
The next meeting will be on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 7:30 PM.
Submitted by,
Kerri Harrington