The monthly meeting of the Haverhill Library Board was called to order by chairman John Landrigan at 7:30 PM on August 30, 2010. Present were trustees John Landrigan, Kathy Schiffman, Barbara May, Kerri Harrington, Vesta Smith, Ken Frank, Jane Darby and Mike Marshall. The librarians, Anne Ballam and Nanci Myers, were also present.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with two amendments. The first was that Walmart should replace Shaw's. Also, Mike checked with Booster Club, not the selectmen, concerning the signage.
Mike Marshall looked into the sign project. Mike met with the owner of the Sign Depot company, John Buzzi. We will need to revisit the sign idea and also discuss possibilities with Keesha Luce.
In building news, Ken Frank has put up caution tape on the side of the building where there are dangerous bricks overhead. We will need to find a mason to rebuild the turrets.
The refinished floors are nearly done. There is a part near the bathrooms to finish.
John has been putting the minutes up on our website.
In the librarians' report, the summer reading program was a success and ended in a well attended trip to the Conklin farm. Anne presented the trustees with a slide show from the field trip.
Dennis Mason donated over 100 DVDs to the library.
The bike parade is coming up on September 11, 2010.
A kindermusik demonstration will occur on September 14, 2010.
Nanci will start a toner cartridge return through the library. We will make money through the program.
Nanci brought up the idea of looking toward a long term goal of automation. Everyone agreed that this was a great idea for the future.
In the financial report, we are doing well with cash flow.
John has worked on and sent out the 990 EZ form for the library.
In fund raising and programming, the Mystery Tea was a success. There was a nice article in the Bridge Weekly.
There will be a new book discussion series starting this Fall entitled Little Girls in Strange Worlds.
The book sale and pig roast will occur on September 11, 2010. John has written a letter to Walmart to ask for donations. Nanci will deliver it.
There will be a book sorting party on September 7, 2010 at 6 PM.
Lori Heels will be helping on book sale day, along with trustees and librarians.
Festival is from 10 AM- 4 PM. We will start set up at the library at 9 AM.
Ken and his family will start the pig roast and work on that throughout the day with other trustees. It was decided to sell sandwiches, chips and water. Sandwiches will be $8 and water, $1.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.
The next meeting will be on Monday, October 4, 2010 at 7:30 PM.
Submitted by,
Kerri Harrington