Haverhill Library Board met on January 4, 2010, at the library, at 7:30 PM.
President John Landrigan opened the meeting. Present were John, Barbara May, Jane Darby, Vesta Smith, Kathy Schiffman, and librarians Nanci Meyers, and Annemarie Ballam.
Jane moved acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded and passed.
Since Don Bazzell was not present, there could be no discussion of old business.
The librarians distributed their reports. They would like help bringing the hall table upstairs, as well as the Christmas tree, as they are bulky. It is also difficult to close the storm windows, and John will help with that.
The bathroom drain pipe froze again, and the lack of insulation was discussed.
The budget review committee will meet on Wednesday night, and John and Nanci will attend to speak for the Library.
John will offer a second writing workshop, starting in February, but not on a night when the Library is open, so as not to interfere with business.
The winter book discussion will start the third Monday of January, and Linda Landrigan has made great flyers to be put up in various places to announce it.
We are planning a hog roast during the Haverhill Days celebration, on the Common, September 11.
Trustees have been asked to help with filing of the accession cards, and John will be the first to help.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23. Next meeting will be on January 18 at 6:30 PM, the annual meeting, to finish before the book group meeting.
Vesta Smith, sec. pro tem